Tuesday, December 16, 2008


While I didn't do much blogging thise semester, I did find it pretty interesting. The topics were engaging and compelling. I way prefered blogging than doing actual written work for class. Doing our assignments via blog made it more casual, and therefore made it easiar and more comfortable to express my ideas/views.

Written assignments would have denied me access to my fellow classmates' ideas, also. It seems like others were also able to feel more comfortable speaking their minds, than one would in class. I know I probably wouldn't have said as much. I can be pretty quiet, also.

I definitely enjoyed the blogging experience, while I really doubt I'll keep it up on my free time, it's definitely been a fun experience. Later everyone.

Thankyou for chewing!

Yes, I know, I've been a bit void in the blogging dept, but hey better late than never. And considering this piece is worth twice the credit, how could I let it pass? So...3 most thoughtless, useless gifts...here we go.

NUMBER 3: Border Collie

This lovely piece of crap looks and feels like a real dog...and sleeps like one, too. Yeah, that's all it does, it lays on the floor imitating a sleeping dog including the breathing. It doesn't do anything except lay there and sleep...and uses 2 D batteries in the process. It will breathe for 2-3 months before a replacement is needed (1 month before I use it as a rag). What child can go without a toy that lays there n breathes!

NUMBER 2: Elmo Live

Here it is people, another elmo toy that kids can go crazy over for about a week. He dances, sings, tells stories, and "Children can also make the magic happen with a tickle or a squeeze of Elmo's foot, tummy, back or nose". I can't wait for Burlesque show Elmo... OH, and it uses 6 AA batteries.

NUMBER 1: Hasbro Kota the Triceratops

And here's my number one pick. This one is great. When touching its sensory spot it moves its head, tail and horns. And with a touch of a button it plays music...and uses 6 D Batteries. Seriously, how long could the fun factor last? Sure it's fun when the kid is punished in his room and dad comes home drunk, but beyond that? I see a green coat rack.

Well those are my picks. Thanx for chewing!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Research Topic (6)

For my research paper I will be discussing Environmental Racism in Louisiana. I will specifically be writing on an 80 mile stretch of land that runs from a town called Boutan Rogue to New Orleans. This specific area is known for having a lot of factories/plants/oil rigs being built;especially around povershed minority neighborhoods.

The people of these neighborhoods have been subjected to a lower quality of life due to the many cancers that are caused by the toxins released from the factories, and much of the land has been destroyed;including much of the wildlife that lived there.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Week With MiggZ

Weekly Synopsis:

TV/Movies - 35 hrs

Shopping - 30 min

Internet - 40 hrs

Work - 25 hrs

School Work - 15 hrs

Sleep - 35 hrs

Reading - 10 hrs

Going Out/Social Gatherings - 20 hrs

Ok, this breakdown is kind of scary. It's been a while since I've sat down and broken down my weekly activities, and according to this not only am I hermit, but I'm a hermit who sits on his ass most of the time. This is a little discouraging. I used to work out often (mostly jogging and cardio), but a small accident put that on hold, but I think it's about time I get myself back out there. When it comes to leisure activities that bring me the most joy, it would have to be going out to the city. I love spending time in the city, whether it's just strolling through central park or bugging out at a club. I really think I could be putting in a lot more effort to get away from the tv/pc and explore this great city some more.

I found the Story of Stuff very informative, scary, and quite an eye opener. This country has basically become one big retail store, and we're all either buying or selling. Don't get me wrong I enjoy shopping, even though my synopsis might not exactly reflect that (c'mon people financial crisis), but the fact that our entire purpose revolves around buying and selling...it's kind of depressing. God Bless Capitalism, huh? I'm one to talk though, I work at Sears, so spend spend spend means I can pay my bills bills bills. It's funny how the system can make one become so dependent on it...or maybe it's us (well some of us) that allow ourselves to become dependent on the system...until we become the system...

And since I'm using film to make a point, I'll leave off with a small excerpt from Fight Club. Thankyou for Chewing.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Only Time Will Tell

Ok, so apparently Al Gore was inspired by his natural science class professor, Dr. Revelle, to become a political Captain Planet, minus the multi-national minors and monkey...and cool powers. His enemies are there, though.
So, this poses an interesting question for myself. How will I pursue my own passion, and how will I use my own education to benefit the world we live in? Well, first I have to identify my passion, and that would be MOVIES. I love 'em. I'm learning everyday about the film business/tecnhiques. I involve myself with any social film gathering (gotta network), and work on project after project. I love how so much can be said and felt through movies...some movies change lives...and I hope to one day have some sort of impact on the general public through my work...hopefully that impact isn't "What a piece of $#!%"! Only time will tell.
And how am I going to use my education for the good of the world? Shoot, I can say anything...I'll make films about humanity/environmental/animal/ issues to inform the public. I'll donate a buttload of cash to causes to improve the welfare of our people/planet. I'll join an activist group, and we'll go straight to Washington with our cause; not taking "NO" for an answer. I'll invest in green business to help make it that much easiar (and economically profitable) to save our planet. I'll invest in alternative energy, and machines that use them. I'll adopt some Indonesian and Somolian babies, and carpool with Brad and Angelina. I can say all those things, and I really hope one day I could do even one of those things. But, today I can't even get myself to buy a compact fluorescent bulb to not only help save the planet, but save some dollars in the home, and the only reason is because I haven't made time for it...So, that's what I am going to do. I'm going to start making time, and I'll take it from there.
Thankyou for chewing.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Today's Environmental Impact

Ok, so today I took the train to work (2 to be exact), and considering these trains need an enormous amount of electricity to run, I gave mother earth a good kick to the crouch. I guess instead I could have ridden a bike to work; not only saving mama earth, but also giving myself a healthy dose of exercise...but then I would get to work pretty sweaty...and probably smell a lil ...and I don't want to be the smelly sweaty guy at work. Ok, so it sounds a lil vain...I know...I guess I can ride a bike on my free time to build up my stamina (not that there's anything wrong with it) to not get so sweaty by the time I get to work...I guess I should buy a bike, too...

I also ate a toasted bran muffin with cream cheese during my break...I don't know how that affected the environment...I guess the carbon dioxide that was released by the gasoline that was used by the vehicle(s) to transport the muffin and creamcheese to the deli damaged the planet...so I guess I could have harvested the muffin myself? and maybe churned my own cream cheese? But, seriously...when am I supposed to find the time to harvest all that wheat and oat, and at the same time care for my livestock?

So, what am I doing to offset my carbon prints? Well, I do recycle...I really try to hold on to my garbage until I come across a garbage can of some sort...I don't let balloons fly off to the sky, but i think thats more towards saving fish.

I do believe the environment is in danger, though. We've got rising temperatures at alarming rates, more frequent and disastrous hurricanes, melting ice all over the place; mama earth is having a complete make-over and it's not coming out too good.

Well that's my food for thought today.